A little about me

For years, I was an empty shell. Anxiety latched onto me and made it impossible for me to enjoy life. Depression made it so I didn't even want to try.

"Ah, but if you try something new, you may be able to let go of something old."

As well as being Angler X's partner in crime, I am the owner of Forward Focus LLC. My first passion is being a writing coach. I am also a Certified Life Coach, a Specialist in fitness nutrition, a Motivational Speaker, and an Author.

I love learning to be self-sufficient. I am a reader, writer, bow hunter, angler, camper, gardener, pro-hammock napper, motorcycle rider, and book nerd who loves bacon cheeseburgers, farm-to-table restaurants, and chocolate- not necessarily in that order.

For me, life is about overcoming challenges, seeking adventure, and loving as deeply as possible.

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A woman is jumping over the water in a park.
A woman riding on top of an animal in the middle of a room.
A woman in blue shirt holding up a camera.
A woman in blue shirt and black gloves on dirt ground.
A woman is standing on the side of a rope bridge.
A woman holding a fish in her hands.
A woman kneeling down next to a dead deer.
A woman standing in the snow holding up her hand.
A woman sitting on the back of a motorcycle.
A woman standing next to a large tree.
A man sitting on top of an ox.
A woman is climbing up the side of a wall
A man and woman taking a selfie in front of trees.
book cover mockup for Niki Bergler

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

"She's Done Pretending is a permission slip. It's a permission slip for readers to step out of their abuses, heartaches, and abandonments...and step into the light of a better life. Bergler's story, although difficult to read at times, shines a light on one woman's story of perseverance and triumph over unbelievable odds. She uses her story to show us, the readers, that there can be "life after internal death." Through graceful writing and a fiery spirit, Bergler inspires us to see that life is what you make of it." - Sarah Krosschell

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