For years, I was an empty shell. Anxiety latched onto me and made it impossible for me to enjoy life. Depression made it so I didn't even want to try.
"Ah, but if you try something new, you may be able to let go of something old."
As well as being Angler X's partner in crime, I am the owner of Forward Focus LLC. My first passion is being a writing coach. I am also a Certified Life Coach, a Specialist in fitness nutrition, a Motivational Speaker, and an Author.
I love learning to be self-sufficient. I am a reader, writer, bow hunter, angler, camper, gardener, pro-hammock napper, motorcycle rider, and book nerd who loves bacon cheeseburgers, farm-to-table restaurants, and chocolate- not necessarily in that order.
For me, life is about overcoming challenges, seeking adventure, and loving as deeply as possible.