
I Never Liked My Business Name.

2 months ago

There is excitement at the idea of starting something new.…

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girl next to shadow of girls self

Date Yourself

3 months ago

If you can not confidently articulate who you are and…

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woman depressed, woman meditating, woman happy

Remove the Insecure Voice in Your Mind

4 months ago

The insecure voice in my mind is one of my…

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Shadows holding hands symbolizing connection and relationships

Are Relationships That Difficult?

5 months ago

This question has plagued me for months now. Are relationships…

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Pictures of painting, hiking, skydiving, laundry, dishes, and reading

Just Do it!

6 months ago

I will not pretend I came up with the slogan…

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A girl peacefully meditating while someone tries, and fails, to break down her door which is being blocked by Thor's Hammer.

Your Painful Past is Your Ally.

9 months ago

There lie the roads you have traveled, the vehicles you…

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“No” is a Complete Sentence.

10 months ago

Setting boundaries is tough! If you are like me, when…

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A woman in blue jacket standing on top of forest.

How to Start Setting Boundaries.

10 months ago

Setting boundaries help you find your voice which will lead…

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book cover mockup for Niki Bergler

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

"She's Done Pretending is a permission slip. It's a permission slip for readers to step out of their abuses, heartaches, and abandonments...and step into the light of a better life. Bergler's story, although difficult to read at times, shines a light on one woman's story of perseverance and triumph over unbelievable odds. She uses her story to show us, the readers, that there can be "life after internal death." Through graceful writing and a fiery spirit, Bergler inspires us to see that life is what you make of it." - Sarah Krosschell

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